A little about Me

Hi I'm Michael

I study at Central Queensland University in Rockhampton, this Blog is set up as apart of my assessment for a class, Managing E-Learning. In this Blog I will be analysing elearning tools and methodology presented to the class. I invite anyone inside and outside the University to comment, review and especially give some constructive criticism. Anything someone has to say all will help me learn.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Images as a learning tool can get the students thinking. They could be trying to see if the picture makes sense, in the pictures they could be trying to see if the dice could be arranged in such
away or not (maybe an art class might look it this). Instead to tell them students the instructions you could use an image to show them the instruction, thus using a different learning style. You could use a picture of a building or something similar to get engineering students thinking about what makes
up the building and what forces are keeping the building standing. An image will help the teacher engage the students and it will hold there focus. There many
different ways an image could be used to teach.

Images can also be resized in to different ways, one is the image itself you can make it bigger or
smaller by doing this you can show
aspects of the image. Two, you can resize the image in the file sense, making the image file bigger or smaller. By resizing the image either way your going to lose quality of the image.

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