A little about Me

Hi I'm Michael

I study at Central Queensland University in Rockhampton, this Blog is set up as apart of my assessment for a class, Managing E-Learning. In this Blog I will be analysing elearning tools and methodology presented to the class. I invite anyone inside and outside the University to comment, review and especially give some constructive criticism. Anything someone has to say all will help me learn.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blog analysis

In a learning setting a blog could be used I a number of different ways. One way a blog can be used is it can act as a place for the student to store different information easily and then comment on the information with their opinion. Blog can have many different types of information store on them for example, videos, pictures and graph’s. Another way could be for a journal type of assessment where the teacher knows what the learner is thinking and feeling about the subject being taught and how often the journal (blog) is being written in. A blog gives the learner a voice where they can express themselves, when they might feel uncomfortable expressing themselves in a classroom setting. This way the teacher and fellow learners can comment and make suggestions to information gathered, if the Blog is set for the public instead on an internal network, even more people, including friends and parents of the learner can see what the learner is doing. A problem with public blogs is that there could be some privacy issues.

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