A little about Me

Hi I'm Michael

I study at Central Queensland University in Rockhampton, this Blog is set up as apart of my assessment for a class, Managing E-Learning. In this Blog I will be analysing elearning tools and methodology presented to the class. I invite anyone inside and outside the University to comment, review and especially give some constructive criticism. Anything someone has to say all will help me learn.

Friday, August 13, 2010


A prezi is a very interactive and uses a very flashy graphics user interface. I don't know if "Prezi" is the official name to this type of digital tool. As much I can see a prezi is a very flashy power point with little words and lots of different pictures. When a prezi's start you see all the information in one big page and when you go to the "next slide" it zooms in to a point on a page that shows your first bit of information. Depending on how you set up your prezi, it may just move the camera to the next information or it may zoom out then zoom back in to the next bit of information. A prezi is just a very flashy power point and has the same strengths of weakness when it comes to learning. The only other weakness it has is it may take more time to set up then a power point, plus the only strength that I can see is that with younger students they'll love the flashiness of the prezi.


  1. Agreed. Very flashy indeed. My feeling is the 'Prezi' creates a distraction and the learners will be more engaged with its roller coaster style of presentation rather than the content of its text.

  2. From my point of view 'Prezi's' would only be useful in an art context, but then if you take a look at how I learn which reflects the way I perceive the world, I'm very logical and I don't see any advantage to having flashy distractions when learning.
