1. Task Definition
1.1 Define the information problem
1.2 Identify information needed
2. Information Seeking Strategies
2.1 Determine all possible sources
2.2 Select the best sources
3. Location and Access
3.1 Locate sources (intellectually and physically)
3.2 Find information within sources
4. Use of Information
4.1 Engage (e.g., read, hear, view, touch)
4.2 Extract relevant information
5. Synthesis
5.1 Organize from multiple sources
5.2 Present the information
6. Evaluation
6.1 Judge the product (effectiveness)
6.2 Judge the process (efficiency)
by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz
As you can see the Big 6 is a problem solving model, it has six easy to follow steps. If students were taught a framework to solve problems like this from a young age it would help to solve problems there whole life. As you can see I like the Big 6 a fair bit and I don't see any downsides.
To find out more out the Big 6 Click Here
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