A little about Me

Hi I'm Michael

I study at Central Queensland University in Rockhampton, this Blog is set up as apart of my assessment for a class, Managing E-Learning. In this Blog I will be analysing elearning tools and methodology presented to the class. I invite anyone inside and outside the University to comment, review and especially give some constructive criticism. Anything someone has to say all will help me learn.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Learning Styles


On the right you can see a wheel with seven different styles. Where each blue dote hits the line connected to each learning style is what I scored in each learning style

My Learning Style Scores

To find out your learning styles Click Here

As you can see from my Memletic Learning style graph, I learn more logically than any other style and struggle to take information verbally even though my aural learning is average. I think that the test was fairly accurate; anybody that knows me would say I’m a very logical and mathematical person (especially since I major in mathematics and manual arts). Also when I’m given task or problem I always split the tasks or problems in small sequential steps I have to take to achieve my desired out come. I not too sure about the Verbal learning but I have noticed that I struggle to retain knowledge only by listening, I have to write it down some were to make sure I remember it.

It’s important to find out how you learn to optimise your learning, but as a teacher it’s even more important that we figure out how our students learn. If we can figure out how our students learn we can make sure that each student will take in as much information as possible each lesson. That’s not to say that we make each student take a test like this, even though that might help, we should at take note when a student struggle and when they thrive in different situations.

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