A little about Me

Hi I'm Michael

I study at Central Queensland University in Rockhampton, this Blog is set up as apart of my assessment for a class, Managing E-Learning. In this Blog I will be analysing elearning tools and methodology presented to the class. I invite anyone inside and outside the University to comment, review and especially give some constructive criticism. Anything someone has to say all will help me learn.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Multiple Intelligences


At first glance this wheel looks like it's measuring the same learning styles as in my first post. If we take a closer look we see that's not entirely true (it is similar though).
This wheel is measuring Multiple Intelligences. "It has been claimed by some researchers that our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex. Some people are better at understanding some things than others."(BGfL-2010) After taking the test myself the wheel on the right is my results, as like with the learning styles test i scored highest in the Logical.

Again like I said in the learning styles post knowing this information about your students would be a very helpful when designing lesson plans. Compared to the learning styles, multiple intelligences will take a lot longer to discover about your students.

For more information about Multiple Intelligences you can research Gardner's eight multiple intelligences, also if you want to take the same test Click Here

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